8 Must-Have Cooking Apps

8 Must-have Cooking Apps // Feast + West

After months of battery woes, I finally got a new phone last week. (To everyone who’s hung out with me lately and heard my complaints, I’m sorry and you’re welcome.) I spent the weekend poring through the App Store in search of new apps to try.

The kitchen totally changed for me when I discovered recipes online years ago. Cooking got even better when I could look up recipes right from my phone or tablet and carry it around the kitchen with me. Though I still love recipe cards for my No. 1 recipes, apps are now undisputedly a huge part of my cooking process, from brainstorming meals to perfecting a technique to saving recipes for later. These 8 must-have cooking apps are just a few of my favorites. // susannah

Handpick — Not sure what to cook? Handpick will sort it out for you. Plug in the ingredients you want to use, and it gives you suggestions for what to make with them. It pulls the dishes from around the web, including Instagram, food blogs and recipe sites.
Download: iPhone | Android

Instacart — Though Instacart isn’t available in North Carolina yet, I am dying to try it. You tell the app what you’d like to get at the grocery store, and it delivers it to you in less than an hour. With shops like Whole Foods Market, Petco or Costco already on board, I think this has the potential to be the Uber of grocery shopping! Click here to see if it’s in your neighborhood yet.
Download: iPhone | Android

Highball — Recall your favorite cocktail recipes with this app. Sexy and sophisticated, Highball is absolutely the kind of app you need at your side when you’re mixing drinks at your home bar.
Download: iPhone 

Kitchen Stories — Not sure where to begin in the kitchen? Kitchen Stories has lots of (free!) video tutorials and step-by-step instructions on every kind of recipe from popsicles and pasta to grilling and gluten-free.
Download: iPhone | Android

NYT Cooking — Bring the joy of cooking from The New York Times into your kitchen. Browse, search and save their 17,000+ recipes and let them guide you into making some classics.
Download: iPhone 

Yummly — Put more recipes at your fingertips with this huge, free recipe box. You can save your favorites and even get personalized recommendations based on your diet and the recipes you love.
Download: iPhone | Android

Amount — Picked up a cookbook from another country? It’s no problem to convert measurements when you have Amount at your side. Plug in the number of grams or cups and translate it into the measurement you need.
Download: iPhone 

Boiled Egg Timer — Even an expert egg cooker needs a timer to help them remember to check on their eggs. This one is great because it tells you how long to let your eggs boil depending on how you like them.
Download: iPhone

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decorative icon of a beer stein.

The Golden Ratio Guide:

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