Flying with an injury is no fun at all, but it’s a lot easier if you know what to do. Take my tips from traveling with an orthopedic boot and learn how to handle airline check-in, airport security and getting around the airport.

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Disclaimer: What I am sharing here is my own personal experience of flying with an injury. I am not a medical professional. You should check with your doctor before you fly. I am also not an airport professional, so you should also check with your airline and/or airport to see how things work for them.
My Experience Flying with an Injury
I’m taking a break from regularly scheduled cocktail recipes and travel recaps to tell you about something I’ve been going through lately, in case it helps you or someone you know.
A few weeks ago, I could barely walk around my own house without yelping or limping. I went to an orthopedic specialist and was diagnosed with achilles tendinitis in my left foot.
My first thought when the nurse handed me an orthopedic boot to wear for three weeks was something to the tune of, “Well, #$%*! I have to wear this thing on an airplane next weekend.”
Not going wasn’t an option — I definitely wasn’t going to let achilles tendinitis keep me from attending my cousin’s wedding in Houston or my work trip to Maine.
But as I got used to wearing the boot around the house and to normal places like the grocery store, I realized just how clunky this Velcro monster would be in the airport.

Friends and family with boot experience had lots of suggestions. I also researched wearing an orthopedic boot when flying. All I found was a lot of conflicting advice, especially with regard to airport security.
A few people suggested I ask for a wheelchair at check-in. A few suggested that if you could walk, to just brave it based on how you are feeling.
I have now flown while wearing my boot on two trips (over four flights) in the last month, and I’ve tried both methods — walking and with a wheelchair. So I thought I’d take a moment to describe my experience in flying with a boot.
Y’all. Flying with an injury is no joke.
Life happens though, so if you or someone you know ever finds themselves in this fashionable footwear, bookmark this post. In case you ever need to know.
(I REALLY hope you don’t ever need to know, because being in a cast or boot means you’re hurt, and I don’t want that for you!)
This post might even help you if you have a non-foot injury or had surgery and can’t function as you normally might. (For example, having your arm in a sling means you can’t carry your luggage — what I have to share below might help you too!)
And if you do ever wind up with a boot or cast on your leg, here’s what you should do — and what you shouldn’t. Take it from me.
I’ll go into more detail on each of these below, but here’s a few quick tips.
Quick tips for flying with a foot injury
- Talk to your doctor first. Make sure you are safe to fly, especially if your injury is recent or if you are wearing a cast for a broken bone. There can be some risk for blood clotting disorders, and you do not want to mess with that. PLEASE get the OK from your doc first.
- Arrive early. Give yourself some extra time — more than usual — just in case you run into any snafus.
- Pack what you can handle. Check your bags if you can, but also know you can get help with your carry-ons.
- Be comfortable. Wear clothes you like traveling in.
- Ask for a wheelchair. You won’t regret it. It’s free.
- Be open-minded. It sucks to be injured, but you can still have fun when you travel.

What to pack for travel with an injury
Let’s first talk about what to pack for your trip, because traveling with a boot is a little different. Make sure to only pack what you can handle. If you can hardly walk, it might not be a good idea to bring two big carry-ons. Be smart. (Affiliate links in this section! I may earn a commission if you purchase one of these items.)
Medication: This one’s important! Be sure to pack your painkillers and anything your doctor prescribed. And if you need snacks to take with your meds, don’t forget those either! You never know if you’ll be stranded on a plane for an hour delay without access to food.
KT Tape: My dad introduced me to the wonder of KT Tape. I needed my fiancé’s help to put it on (and I made him watch a YouTube video first) but I honestly feel like the KT tape helped so much. A little extra support and relief. If you need to cut smaller strips, make sure you cut them ahead of time or pack a pair of travel scissors in your checked baggage.
Epsom salts: I have been enjoying foot soaks in epsom salt baths. These travel-size packs of epsom salts would be great at the end of a long day of travel. If you won’t have access to a bathtub, you can pack an inflatable foot tub for your soaks.
Shoe freshener: I stick a small lavender sachet in the boot whenever I am not wearing it. Even though I wear it all the time during the day, I didn’t want it to smell that way! A deodorizing bag helps keep it fresh. You could also use sneaker balls or a shoe spray to help deodorize.
Extra shoes and socks: The good news, you really only need to pack shoes for your one good foot! And that leaves some room for more souvenirs of course. But in general I think it’s a good idea to have a backup shoe. You know, in case the one you are wearing gets soaked in the rain or if you step in something gross! You never know…
Ice and heat: If your doc told you to give your injury cold or hot compresses, pack those supplies! An ice pack or heating pad will be a huge help. Some can provide both hot and cold relief, which might be ideal if you are tight on luggage space. Hopefully your destination has a freezer — if not, these cold packs only become cold when “activated.”
…And all the other stuff on my ultimate packing list. Oh, and an airplane cocktail kit too — if you can have booze with your meds, that is. Be careful, you!

What to wear when flying with an injury
Let’s also talk about what to wear on the plane. If you travel a lot, you may already know the drill. Comfortable clothes are key, injury or not.
Ladies: In general, I like to fly in leggings or yoga pants. They’re ultra soft and fit nicely inside my boot. Paired with a T-shirt and a sweater or jacket to layer, and you’ll be fine. Skinny jeans are another favorite.
Guys: Sweatpants or comfy shorts would be ideal for you. Make sure it’s easy to remove the boot, just in case you’re asked to.
For footwear, I love my New Balance 574s and I have two pairs in different colors. They were a perfect pair for the boot. I use these Superfeet insoles with mine.
My doctor also recommended these silicone heel cups to fit inside my shoes, for extra height and padding. They come in different thicknesses and shoe sizes, and they fit neatly inside my shoes.
Oh, and make sure you wear socks! Trust me on this — because I am not a ‘sock person.’ You’ll be moving a lot and it can get sweaty and gross inside that boot. I wore a long sock on my injured foot and an ankle sock with my tennis shoe. Rocking the mismatch!

How to Fly with an injury
Hey, you. Listen to me. You have a boot on your foot. You are not at your best right now. Don’t try to be brave.
Let the airport folks help you. They want to help you. They literally hire people who are paid to help you. And they know the airports backwards and forwards, so you can trust them to get you where you need to go.
So PLEASE, I beg you: Do not be Me-From-The-First-Leg-Of-My-Trip-to-Houston. That version of me was very sure she could walk to the gate like a normal person. Her foot wasn’t absolutely killing her right then, so it seemed doable. Most of all, she did not want be a burden to anyone or get special treatment.
But it wasn’t awesome. At all.
You have a couple choices for getting to your destination with an orthopedic boot: With a wheelchair and on foot. I did both and you should decide what’s best for you!

Checking into your flight
What NOT to do: On my first flight to Houston, I didn’t ask for help at check in. This was a very huge mistake. Anything can (and probably will) go wrong, and if you don’t ask for help, you might be sore by the end of the day.
When we got to our gate, (which was so far away, it was possibly in the next state) the agent told us we had been bumped from that flight because it was overbooked.
We were rebooked onto another flight, at another gate, which unfortunately had almost every problem imaginable. We were delayed for weather, for a new pilot, for a new crew, for a supplies delivery. (And missed my cousin’s wedding ceremony amid all of this. We made the reception though!)
Oh, and we got another new gate. So not only did I have to walk to our first gate on my bad foot, but TWO more as well. And they were all in different terminals. Because of course they were.
They almost didn’t let us onto our long-awaited second flight due to another booking technicality but thankfully we made it on. I was so very grateful for our three-hour flight so I could rest my foot after all that unexpected walking.
Lesson learned? Ask for the wheelchair assistance. Because this experience completely sucked for me. (And my fiancé too, because he was pulling two suitcases.)
I’m sure I could have asked for assistance at any time but, remember, I was feeling proud and like I could do anything. But let me tell you: I did NOT feel like that at the end of the day. Especially after also being on my feet even more when we got to the wedding.
I treated my foot way, way better on the way home, and on my trip to Maine three weeks later. You just never know what will happen when you fly. There is so much out of your control.
But you know what IS in your control? Standing up for yourself and asking for what you need.

What you should do: At most airports, they offer help on the curb where you are dropped off, and they’ll help you get around from the beginning.
Even if you don’t check your bags and get your boarding passes online or print at home, you can still stop by the airline’s desk and say, “I have an injury. Can I get a wheelchair?” One look at your boot and they will be glad to help.
The airline might tell you to wait at a certain spot, or the wheelchair assistant will come get you. Hop in and let them do the driving! Your travel companions will walk with you, so don’t worry about leaving them behind.
The airline will also make a note to have someone wait for you at your destination or layover to take you where you need to go.
Bonus: These folks know the airports really well. Like, really, really well. They know things you will want to know when it hurts to walk hurting, like where the elevators are. They also can wheel you straight through security, to the bathroom, to Starbucks, to your gate, to baggage claim, to your Uber — wherever you want to go!

What to do with your bags
What NOT to do: Wear your boot and drag your carry-on suitcase everywhere. If you’re anything like me, you’ll wear yourself out — fast.
What you should do: If you have bags you can check, I say do it. Take a load off. I’m typically a carry-on person for short trips, but I checked a bag for one of my recent flights with my injury — and it was heaven.
If you prefer to carry on, you can still get assistance with your bags. There’s a spot under the wheelchair for your small suitcase, or the wheelchair assistant will roll it for you.
If you have a purse or backpack, it can hang on the back of the wheelchair or you can put it in your lap.
You may have to carry everything onto the plane and place it in the overhead bins, but if you’re sticking to the two-bag rule, you should be fine. Ask a flight attendant for help lifting if needed.
I do also recommend trying not to stash anything under the seat in front of you, if you can avoid it. You’ll need that extra legroom for your boot, and you won’t be allowed to sit in a roomy Exit Row seat with a boot on. (You need to be able to help folks if you sit in the Exit Row, which you probably can’t do if you have an injury.)

Going through airport security with an orthopedic boot
What NOT to do: If you’re not using the wheelchair service, you’ll wish you were. You’ll likely have to remove your boot, place it on the conveyor belt and walk through the body scanner — which might suck depending on how well you can walk without it.
When I did this, we had a very long line (longer than I am used to, and I travel a good bit) and my foot was already sore by the time the agent looked at my boarding pass and ID.
They had me remove the boot and put it on the conveyor belt, and then I had to put it back on on the other side. It always takes me a few minutes to get it on just right and I felt hurried because I felt was holding up the line.
What you should do: The wheelchair service. Again, it’s awesome, and free. As a reminder, do not let your pride get in the way. There’s absolutely no shame in being in a wheelchair so please just roll with it. Pun intended.
At the security checkpoint, you’ll breeze right through. Yep, you get to skip that long, long line whether you have Pre-Check or not. Ahh, the boot’s silver lining.
Please ignore the side-eye you will get from annoyed passengers. I was not expecting this, but dang, are people rude.
Once you’re at the front of the line, a few things will happen.
Your stuff has to be scanned. The wheelchair assistant will ask you if you have any tablets, laptops, liquids, etc. and will ask for your help finding them. They’ll help you place your belongings in bins to scan and help you pack them up on the other side as well.
YOU have to be scanned. Being in a wheelchair doesn’t give you TSA immunity, so here’s what you need to know.
If you can walk okay:
- The TSA agents might let you keep your boot on but will ask you remove the shoe on your good foot. Then you walk through the scanner like normal, and they’ll swab and scan your boot on the other side.
- They might make you remove your shoe and your boot and place them on the conveyor belt. Then you walk through like normal.
If you can’t walk well:
- They will likely use other scanners and swabs to check you out.
- Crutches, etc. may have to go on the conveyor belt as well.
Your wheelchair assistant has to be scanned. They will have a badge to scan since they are an airport employee, but on one of my trips the scanner wasn’t working so I had to switch wheelchair assistants. (This is why you need extra time.)

Getting around the airport with an injury
In case you think, like I did, that you can’t grab a coffee once you get through security, that’s absolutely not true!
Our wheelchair associate was happy to wheel me through the line at Starbucks. We got coffees and breakfast and went on our way to our gate to eat.
She also offered to wheel me to the bathroom or to one of the various shops for magazines, bottled water or chips, but we declined. I was glad to know this was an option if we wanted to though!
I asked what happens on a layover (since I had direct flights each time) and was told they’re also happy to take you to a restaurant, shop, the bathroom or right to your gate.

Boarding the airplane with an injury
When you arrive at your gate, they’ll drop you at a front-row wheelchair seat to await our flight.
I was offered a wheelchair to go down the ramp when we boarded, but I declined since I felt okay enough to walk short distances. However, it’s fantastic to know you can get wheelchair service straight to the plane.
I checked with a gate agent to make sure we could be some of the first folks to board, and she assured me we would be allowed to.
When it came time to board, they called our names before anyone else’s and we handed in our boarding passes. (If they don’t call your names, just listen for when they call for families and those who need special assistance, and line up with them.)
I was lucky to have my fiancé to help me put our bags up, but in my experience the flight attendants and other passengers are usually happy to help.
Once on the plane, it’s time to rest that foot! (And maybe relax with an onboard cocktail, only if you can with your pain meds.)

Getting off the plane and to your next stop
Once you land, you can deplane with everyone else, or get off last. I chose to wait since I am slow and I didn’t want to hold up the line.
On the other side of the ramp, another wheelchair assistant was waiting for me. (I think you could request they pick you up at the ramp — just ask a flight attendant before you land.)
Whether you have another flight ahead of you, are picking up a rental car or are meeting an airport shuttle or car pick-up, the assistant should be able to take you where you need to go. And of course you can stop at the bathroom, an airline lounge, a shop or a restaurant if you need/want to.
Bonus: The wheelchair assistants will know WHERE to go as well. I mentioned this before, but it was super handy!
In Houston, the Uber/Lyft area was so hard to find. In Charlotte, they took us right to our parking lot shuttle, which was wonderful because our airport is laden with construction right now and it’s stupid hard to get around even if you can walk normally.

Vacation and work travel tips
Since I experienced travel both for fun and for work, I have some extra tips for you:
Vacations with an injury
- Be kind to yourself.
- Plan activities that are easy on you. Like, go to a shop or two, then take a long coffee shop break next door. (See that beach photo at the top of this post? I sat on a bench while my family took a walk.)
- Rest as much as you can!
- Take a car or rideshare and try not to go on long walks.
Work trips with an injury
- Let your supervisors know you have an injury in case you need to make alternative plans.
- If you’re going to be on your feet a lot (such as at a conference), carry your meds with you and wear your boot.
- Sit down whenever you have a chance!
- Do your stretches.
- Ice/heat your injury in your hotel room.
- Take Ubers/Lyfts or limit yourself to short walks.
- Rest as much as possible.

What I learned from flying with an injury
Should you fly with your injury? YES. Travel is still wonderful and possible (if your doctor says you can) but you must take care of yourself. And please, please, please ask for help if you need it.
I had no idea how easy and available the FREE airport wheelchair service would be, and I am so glad I made myself take advantage of it.
After this experience, I am very grateful to be ambulatory, and that there is healing in my future. But I am also so thankful that the airport offers this service for anyone who needs it.
I absolutely felt the cruel stares when I skipped security lines, and it pains me that people have to endure that everywhere they go, day after day. Accessibility is more important to me than ever, and it makes me happy that airports are so awesome at helping people who need it.
Again, I hope you never have to travel with pain, a boot or crutches or anything like that, but if you do, I hope this post was helpful in some way. We gotta stick together!
If you have any advice or stories about your experience traveling with an injury, I’d love it if you shared them in the comments below. // susannah
Kandi says
Thanks for sharing. I broke my leg near the ankle two weeks ago and have a conference in a month. I’m not to put weight on the leg for two months. I know I’ll be up for the trip, but wondered what it’ll be like. This really helped. I’ve already requested the wheelchair assistance through my airline.
Susannah says
Hey Kandi! I am so happy to hear this helped you! It is definitely less fun, but it is possible to travel and have a good time! I hope the airline treats you well and you have an enjoyable trip despite the circumstances.
Leslie says
Thank you for the very helpful information!
Susannah says
You’re so welcome, Leslie! Glad to hear it was helpful.
Andy says
This post really helped me feel better about asking for help and gaining the confidence I need in order to make this upcoming trip possible. Thank you so much! And hope everyone heals and recovers soon from their injuries too.
Susannah says
Hey Andy! I am so very glad to hear it. I hope you travel well and heal soon!
Ian Mcneilly says
Did u take ure boot off during the flight? Iโm on a 8 and a half hour and then a 5 and a half flight straight after.
Susannah says
Hey Ian, I would definitely check with your doctor. When I flew with my boot, I was comfortable leaving it on but I remember removing it to have a little more leg room. I think if your doctor would let you do so, then you would be fine to remove it for part of the flight. It should fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin. Safe travels and feel better!
Steve says
I know Iโm late to this but I do have to say the info is wonderful. I broke my ankle a couple of weeks ago and have a trip coming up this Friday. I have a connecting flying within an hour of landing and know Iโd never make the connection on my own. This way Iโll be sure to make it.
Thanks again
Susannah says
I am so sorry you broke your ankle, Steve! I think the wheelchair service can definitely be of help. If you let the airline know you will be using the wheelchair service and coming from a connecting flight, they may be able to wait for you if your connection is super tight. No guarantees, but I found this service to be really great and I hope you find the same. Feel better soon!
SP says
Great piece of advice for every situation and stage involving injury. Thanks for compiling this. It’s fun to read too ๐
Susannah says
So glad you found it helpful, SP!
Ashley Marines says
Thank you very much for posting! I had injured myself while on a work trip and I did not want to go the wheelchair route. I did a quick google search and found your blog. The wheelchair service was great and it helped a ton! Thanks again!
Susannah says
So glad this post helped you, Ashley! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Jenny says
This was super helpful! I just flew home to CLT from Punta Cana with a broken foot (although I didn’t realize it was broken at the time). Limping across both airports was a nightmare, especially with the construction at CLT. Now I’m scheduled to fly to Dallas next week, so I’ve gone ahead and requested a wheelchair through the airline. Thank you so much for all the tips!
Susannah says
I’m so glad it helped you, Jenny! So sorry you broke your foot but sending healing vibes your way. Hope your next trip is much easier.
Jane Powell says
Oh my gosh, this is exactly the information that I was looking for. I fractured a bone in my left foot just a week before im going with the whole family to Hawaii. Besides, I was planning on just hanging around the pool for the majority of the time. Getting around from one airport to another was causing a bit of anxiety. Now Iโll check my bag instead of dragging it myself. Plus, other tips youโve written are going to be so helpful. Thank you.
Susannah says
So sorry to hear that, Jane! I’m so glad my experience can help you. Hope you have a safe trip and feel better soon!
Lily says
This was greatly. I actually requested a wheelchair for an upcoming trip after bunion surgery since Dr cleared me to go but Iโm in a walking bootโฆ I feel better now about request and also thought it would facilitate with airport we are flying into that Iโm not familiar with ( going to visit 2 colleges with my daughter in same city) . Glad I made the right Dec after reading this! Hope all goes well!
Jennifer says
Thank you for the information! I also feel proud and would not want to take advantage of services available at the airport. But after reading your column, I will be using the wheelchair service since I am in a boot with a recent fracture and have no idea where my United gate will be at OโHare.
Susannah says
So glad you found it helpful, Jennifer! O’Hare is probably my least favorite airport, so I extra support your use of the wheelchair service. I hope you feel better soon!
Teela says
This article is a bug help. Although I am in an orthoboot for almost the same injury, my dr said that I can ace wrap for this trip. My vestibular nerve is severed and I have no balance so I really donโt think I can walk in this rocker boot. I may have to unwrap both feet which wonโt be fun as my hubby will reward them. I hope all goes well for me
Susannah says
Hey Teela! So sorry you know that awful pain. Sounds like you have a solid plan โ I hope all goes well on your trip.
Connie says
This is a great post for people to know who are planning on traveling by airplane when you are injured and need airport assistance. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Susannah says
Thanks, Connie! I’m glad to know it was helpful.
Chaya says
Thank you so much for the info! I recently tore my plantar fascia and Iโm scheduled to fly on a connecting flight to Costa Rica. Iโm in a boot and definitely getting the wheelchair service after reading your article! Iโm just wondering if I should bring my crutches? I can now walk slowly with my boot (limping a bit), would you think to bring your crutches? Or just take it slow (the vacay). Any advice on this is super appreciated!!!!
Susannah says
Hi Chaya! I’m so glad this was helpful for you. It sucks to be in a boot but you can still have fun on a trip! So I have never used crutches myself, but in my opinion you should bring them if they are helpful for you on a regular day right now. Even if you are able to walk a little with your boot, I feel like that’s the kind of thing I would be so annoyed about leaving behind if I had any kind of setback or extra soreness from walking around more on the trip!
According to this article from the TSA, it looks like you can bring assistive devices like crutches (or a cane, walker or wheelchair), but they’ll need to go through the X-ray machine or be inspected by an agent. You’ll be expected to walk through the machine if you are able; if not, they will do a pat-down. I would also check your airline’s rules as well, but if you need the crutches, I have no reason to think they would make you board without them. Hope this helps! I hope you heal quickly and have a great trip!
Rupal says
Reading your post in 2024. I got a heel concussion yesterday and got put in a boot. I have a trip planned to Cancun next week and reading your blog gives me confidence to do it. I was going to request a wheel chair as I have a 55 minute connection that I booked before the injury.
Thank you.
Susannah says
So happy it could help you, Rupal! I think you can still have a lovely trip despite a pesky boot! Sending healing vibes.
Rona says
Thanks so much for this information. I am travelling to Vegas next week and I broke my foot a couple days ago. I am totally in the denial stageโฆ I donโt need a wheelchair, I can hobble through the airport on my crutches. I guess I am getting a wheelchair! lol. Why make it harder on myself! Thanks again!
Susannah says
Agree with that, Rona! Better to take things easy than stress yourself out more and risk being in more pain than necessary. Safe travels and enjoy Vegas!