I need another cookbook like I need a hole in the head. Really, my cookbook collection is growing at a very alarming rate. It’s easily doubled, maybe tripled, in size since my last move, and definitely since starting this blog. However, I can’t help but lust for fresh new tomes for my shelf. (I really need to make some room, first!)
Even though I spend a lot of time online, there’s nothing like thumbing through cookbooks for ideas, or even cooking your way through the entire thing. (I’ve yet to do that, but I want to.) These are the titles I’ve been wanting to get my hands on lately. What are yours? // susannah
P.S. My friend Anne at Wit Wisdom Food recently started an awesome new Cookbook Book Club for food bloggers. Check it out here!
P.P.S. Want more cookbooks? Check out my previous cookbook wishlist posts. Find Part 1 here and a set of books by North Carolina cookbook authors here.
Click below to see my cookbook wishlist.
1. Street Vegan: Recipes and Dispatches from The Cinnamon Snail Food Truck — I’m not a vegan, but I admire the way vegans consider everything they eat. Vegan street food is something I need to try immediately.
2. Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream: Sweet Seasonal Recipes for Ice Creams, Sorbets, and Toppings Made with Local Ingredients — I’ve been hankering for Molly Moon’s ice cream ever since I got back from Seattle. I would love to recreate some of the flavors I tried there. (Earl grey ice cream, anyone?)
3. Marcus Off Duty: The Recipes I Cook at Home — Chef Marcus Samuelsson is someone I really admire in the food world. His blend of cultures — American, Ethiopian, Swedish — is an amazing amalgamation and I’d love to make some of the recipes in this book.
4. Celebrity Cocktails — I’m a big fan of the Vintage Cocktails
book in this series, and I’m sure this one would be no different. It would be so much fun to make the drinks that the likes of Humphrey Bogart and Elizabeth Taylor loved to sip.
5. Milk Bar Life: Recipes & Stories — The Momofuku Milk Bar in New York City is on my list of foodie destinations. Until I make that happen, this second volume of recipes should join my kitchen so I can pretend I’m in the Big Apple.
6. The Sweetapolita Bakebook: 75 Fanciful Cakes, Cookies & More to Make & Decorate — Cake baking is not my specialty, but I’d love to improve upon my baking and icing skills. I’ve long wished I could decorate a cake as well as Rosie from the blog Sweetapolita.
7. Pie School: Lessons in Fruit, Flour & Butter — Pie is my No. 1 favorite thing to make in the summertime. (In fact, I’m due for another and I have more pie crust in the fridge…) I am always looking to learn more about making pie, so this book is perfect for me.
8.Big Gay Ice Cream: Saucy Stories & Frozen Treats: Going All the Way with Ice Cream — The name of this book alone (plus its namesake ice cream shop) is enough to catch anyone’s attention, but if it’s not, the outrageous ice cream recipes for all levels of makers sure will.
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